PPWG Webinar 3:
Identification of effective tools and equipment for controlling plastics at source

Via Zoom: 3pm, 15 Feb 2023


Register here. 

The webinar will be delivered by Josh Doran and Kif Cullerne from Oracle Environmental Experts.

It will focus on the importance of preventing the release of plastic where manufactured, stored, or being shipped and discuss how this can be achieved.

It will present examples of equipment for controlling plastics at source (e.g. on-site, in drains, and in rivers).

It will discuss PAS 510, an industry best practice guide on the handling and management of plastic throughout the supply chain to prevent release into the environment.

It will also look at other control measures that can be taken to ensure that no unplanned release of plastic into the environment occurs.

And it will explain the steps to be taken should this occur.
